Thursday, April 19, 2018

               As you sit on your couch and watch TV, you see various types of shows that show their own voice of message. This voice of message is remix; the distribution of information presented in that authors own way. By introducing information in different forms and from different sources, the televised show Undisputed is able to display current sport topic information through debates and put it in their own words to use in a debate. They do this in hopes that the message of the original content will reach a wider audience and also they remix the information and topic for entertainment purposes. This form of remix has done them well.  Who doesn't like a heated debated about sports? Am I right? People of today's day in age like anything that can cause an outburst or a heated conversation. The viewing rates of Undisputed has flew through the roof since they display their debates and information is a remixed and entertaining way. In the words of the author Edward "remix is a valid and important composing practice, one that has the potential to teach a wealth of rhetorical knowledge for a digital age" (Edwards xx). The wealth of information that been distributed through the show Undisputed has reached its fullest potential due to the rhetorical element of remix and after each episodes the style of remix continues to become fore fluent. By building upon another person’s ideas, more ways of presenting topics and information are being brought to the table. The area of media would not be where it is today without remix.

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