Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Introduction to Remix in Everyday Life

The students in ENC 1101: Rhetoric and Writing at the University of North Florida have been studying Remix and how it works in everyday life and in academic settings. For their first academic project, they wrote papers where they applied concepts/theories of how remix/influence plays a role in creative works to a set of creative works (an original work and the remixed version).

For their final "remix" project, they are presenting their first project in a new rhetorical situation. That is, they are changing the purpose, audience, style, and length of their project in order to present it as an academic blog post.

The concepts being applied are those found in these resources:

  • Edwards, Dustin W. “Framing Remix Rhetorically: Toward a Typology of Transformative Work.”
  • Lethem, Jonathan. "The ecstasy of influence." Harper’s Magazine 314 (2007): 59-71.
  • Randall, Marilyn. “Introduction: What is Plagiarism?”
We hope you enjoy these presentations of Remix in Everyday Life.


  1. As you sit on your couch and watch TV, you see various types of shows that show their own voice of message. This voice of message is remix; the distribution of information presented in that authors own way. By introducing information in different forms and from different sources, the televised show Undisputed is able to display current sport topic information through debates and put it in their own words to use in a debate. They do this in hopes that the message of the original content will reach a wider audience and also they remix the information and topic for entertainment purposes. This form of remix has done them well. Who doesn't like a heated debated about sports? Am I right? People of today's day in age like anything that can cause an outburst or a heated conversation. The viewing rates of Undisputed has flew through the roof since they display their debates and information is a remixed and entertaining way. In the words of the author Edward "remix is a valid and important composing practice, one that has the potential to teach a wealth of rhetorical knowledge for a digital age" (Edwards xx). The wealth of information that been distributed through the show Undisputed has reached its fullest potential due to the rhetorical element of remix and after each episodes the style of remix continues to become fore fluent. By building upon another person’s ideas, more ways of presenting topics and information are being brought to the table. The area of media would not be where it is today without remix.

  2. Have you ever heard a song and thought “I’ve heard this somewhere else before”? You have most likely experienced this, and it is because most songs are an example of a remix. A remix is something that is an imitation of a previously made book, song, or movie. They happen everywhere even if we are not aware of them. Remixes can be good or bad depending on the situation.

    One of my favorite remixes is the song “The Sound of Silence” originally performed by Simon & Garfunkel in 1964 which was later redone by the band Disturbed in 2015. I was first showed this in my English class in junior year of high school by one of my favorite teachers. I remember being blown away at the difference of the two songs.

    Both songs pack a punch with the meaning; they are about how we have standards in society that we may not agree with, but no one dares to speak against them. We never want to disrupt the “silence” we have created because we do not want to cause friction or discomfort.

    Th original song by Simon & Garfunkel is soft spoken. It only has a guitar playing a happy melody and the vocals of the band. This shows that if you don’t listen to me communicate, there will only be silence by using a more silent melody. Whereas Disturbed seems angrier with the fact that no one is speaking out against society or that no one is even listening to him. This shows that if you’re not going to listen to me, I am going to make you listen to me by being more in your face with an intense song. This song is more intense because it starts with only the sound of a piano and the lead vocalist but later picks up with more intense instruments and pace. The singer is whispering it in the Disturbed version which makes it sound like he is right in your ear saying this to you specifically and this gives a haunting feeling right from the beginning.

    I love the contrast between the two songs because it is almost like they have two different meanings just by the difference in sounds. Also, they can be listened to when you are in different moods. Personally, I love to listen to music that compliments my mood. For example, I have one specific song that I listen to when I am angry because it is great song to just scream to. The Simon & Garfunkel version is great to listen to when you are sad, but the Disturbed version is great to listen to when you are angry.

    Remix is essential to our world’s progress because we wouldn’t have new ideas to build off. If we couldn’t improve upon other people’s work, we would have no where the amount of literature, movies, or books as we do now. Now we have a song to listen to when we are sad and now we have a song to listen to when we just want to scream about how the world did us wrong.


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