Monday, April 23, 2018

Remix: Comics to the Big Screen

In today's society it is quite normal to come across many remixes in many instances. The most common remix that I tend to notice is movies. I have noticed a pattern when it comes to popular movie sagas or a popular theme that does pretty well. Most movies end up having a sequel to the original act or a remastered and recreated version to instill excitement in new and old fans. In this case I'll be comparing the original Spider-Man saga compared to some of the recent renditions of this saga. 
The original saga is significant in this remix situation because it displays the original works of Spider-Man and how his origins came about. This original saga derived from a comic book series created by the one and only Stan Lee. Stan Lee is an American comic book author, editor, film executive, producer and publisher. I think Stan Lee was trying to bring his comics to life by creating motion pictures that he knew his fans would appreciate as well as developing newer fans along the way.
For me personally I remember being more excited for the original film release in 2002 because I was a young boy and Spider-Man was my favorite superhero and at the time there were not any so this was a huge deal to me and I’m sure to most other marvel fans. Now after the first saga was complete I was sort of bummed because I didn’t know when I would be provided with a continuation of the series or not. Then around the ten year mark of the first initial release of Spider-Man marvel decided to produce one of the first recreations of the original film series and this time they would be sticking to the name that was created with the comic series The Amazing Spider-Man.
The sole purpose of this remix is to pay tribute to the original and the comic book series just in a newer fashion giving the longtime fans of the comic series a new sense of excitement and anticipation all over again. I’d say that the relationship of the Original to the Remix is direct because the films directly tie into each other with just a few slight twists. Overall I think remixes play a major role in growth and development of society even though we may not realize it. Remixes are responsible for some of the greatest advancements in the world, we can learn so much with remix situations and with that knowledge & the capability the possibilities are endless!

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